Due to the recent impact of the COVID-19, Disability Services will provide appointments only via telephone (or other remote services as needed to accommodate students with disabilities). We are encouraging students to call (361) 825-5816 (or email disability.services@tamucc.edu) to request a virtual appointment with a Disability Services staff person. Thank you.
Disability Services (DS) is the hub for coordinating services and accommodations to ensure accessibility and utilization of all programs for all Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi students with disabilities. Our services are designed to meet the unique educational needs of enrolled students with documented permanent or temporary disabilities. DS provides intake and consultation services to students seeking to register with our office. We review individual’s documentation of disability and assess eligibility for services and determination of reasonable accommodations.
The Disability Services Office at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is dedicated to facilitating equal and integrated access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities in order to meet their academic and personal goals. The office coordinates appropriate academic accommodations and encourages the development of student self-advocacy skills. We further promote an inclusive environment by collaborating with students, faculty, and staff to eliminate physical, programmatic and attitudinal barriers within the campus community.
View how to request and receive academic accommodations.
Disability Services
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5717
116 Corpus Christi Hall
Corpus Christi, TX 78412-5717
Main Office: 361.825.5816
Fax: 361.825.2536
Exam Services: 361.825.2259
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.*
*Until further notice the Disability Services Exam Services testing room will not be operating.
Disability Services utilizes the CAS Standards to create, assess
and improve our services.